JIRA Notification Banner
With Custom JS for JIRA, you can also add notification messages to inform your users of important events etc. These notifications have a title and content, the content can contain HTML-markup.
You can choose the style of the message
- Info: blue background
- Error: red background
- Warning: yellow background
- Success: green background
You can also choose to insert the message above or below the JIRA bar.
Information Message
Above the JIRA bar
var title = "This is a title in a info message"; var body = "<p>And this is just content in a info message</p>"; //Don't change the code below this line AJS.$(document).ready(function () { AJS.$('#jira').prepend('<div id="aui-message-bar"></div>'); AJS.messages.info({ title: title, body: body }); });
Below the JIRA bar
var title = "This is a title in a info message"; var body = "<p>And this is just content in a info message</p>"; //Don't change the code below this line AJS.$(document).ready(function () { AJS.$('#content').prepend('<div id="aui-message-bar"></div>'); AJS.messages.info({ title: title, body: body }); });
Error message
Above the JIRA bar
var title = "This is a title in a error message"; var body = "<p>And this is just content in a error message</p>"; //Don't change the code below this line AJS.$(document).ready(function () { AJS.$('#jira').prepend('<div id="aui-message-bar"></div>'); AJS.messages.error({ title: title, body: body }); });
Below the JIRA bar
var title = "This is a title in a error message"; var body = "<p>And this is just content in a error message</p>"; //Don't change the code below this line AJS.$(document).ready(function () { AJS.$('#content').prepend('<div id="aui-message-bar"></div>'); AJS.messages.error({ title: title, body: body }); });
Warning Message
Above the JIRA bar
var title = "This is a title in a warning message"; var body = "<p>And this is just content in a warning message</p>"; //Don't change the code below this line AJS.$(document).ready(function () { AJS.$('#jira').prepend('<div id="aui-message-bar"></div>'); AJS.messages.warning({ title: title, body: body }); });
Below the JIRA bar
var title = "This is a title in a warning message"; var body = "<p>And this is just content in a warning message</p>"; //Don't change the code below this line AJS.$(document).ready(function () { AJS.$('#content').prepend('<div id="aui-message-bar"></div>'); AJS.messages.warning({ title: title, body: body }); });
Success Message
Above the JIRA bar
var title = "This is a title in a success message"; var body = "<p>And this is just content in a success message</p>"; //Don't change the code below this line AJS.$(document).ready(function () { AJS.$('#jira').prepend('<div id="aui-message-bar"></div>'); AJS.messages.success({ title: title, body: body }); });
Below the JIRA bar
var title = "This is a title in a success message"; var body = "<p>And this is just content in a success message</p>"; //Don't change the code below this line AJS.$(document).ready(function () { AJS.$('#content').prepend('<div id="aui-message-bar"></div>'); AJS.messages.success({ title: title, body: body }); });
You can choose to let the message dissapear automatically, by adding the fadeout parameter.
var title = "This is a title in a success message"; var body = "<p>And this is just content in a success message</p>"; //Don't change the code below this line AJS.$(document).ready(function () { AJS.$('#content').prepend('<div id="aui-message-bar"></div>'); AJS.messages.success({ title: title, body: body, fadeout: true }); });