- Main (required)
- Sub1 (optional)
- Sub2 (optional)
The Sub1 list will only be displayed when the value 'One' is selected in the Main list, Sub2 list only when the value is 'Two'.
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// Enter your fieldnames here: var mainListName = 'Main'; var subListOneName = 'Sub1'; var subListTwoName = 'Sub2'; var selectedOptionForSubListOne = 'One'; var selectedOptionForSubListTwo = 'Two'; // Don't change the code below this line var tempoList = '.tempoStaticList'; var mainList = 'popup_Main' + mainListName + '_'; var subListOne = 'popup_Sub1_'; var+ subListTwosubListOneName =+ 'popup_Sub2_'; var selectedOptionForSubListOnesubListTwo = 'Onepopup_'; var+ selectedOptionForSubListTwosubListTwoName =+ 'Two_'; AJS.$(document).ready(function() { AJS.$('#time-popup').live('focus', function() { AJS.$('.tempoStaticList').each( function(index, item) { if (AJS.$(item).attr('id') != mainList) { AJS.$(this).parent().hide(); } }); AJS.$(tempoList + '[id$="' + mainList + '"').live('change', function() { if (AJS.$(this).val() == selectedOptionForSubListOne) { AJS.$('.tempoStaticList').each( function(index, item) { if (AJS.$(item).attr('id') == mainList || AJS.$(item).attr('id') == subListOne) { AJS.$(item).parent().show(); } else { AJS.$(item).parent().hide(); } }); } else if (AJS.$(this).val() == selectedOptionForSubListTwo) { AJS.$('.tempoStaticList').each( function(index, item) { if (AJS.$(item).attr('id') == mainList || AJS.$(item).attr('id') == subListTwo) { AJS.$(item).parent().show(); } else { AJS.$(item).parent().hide(); } }); } else { AJS.$('.tempoStaticList').each( function(index, item) { if (AJS.$(item).attr('id') == mainList) { AJS.$(item).parent().show(); } else { AJS.$(item).parent().hide(); } }); } }); }); }); |